Go to the Wired Sussex Members Spring Meetup, where the pizza’s on us!

Posted March 6, 2019 by Thomas Lavis

Since we launched in 1995, Fastnet have made good friends with a lot of Brighton & Hove businesses.

Wired Sussex are one of them, and we are able to say that we now partner with them on certain projects. The 5G testbed, for example – which is hosted at Wired Sussex in Brighton’s New England House, is an exciting piece of research that we are helping with. Benefits of 5G within medicine such as real time remote operations are one of the reasons we should be excited, and other more obvious advances will be seen day to day with the ‘Internet of Things’ and multiplayer VR video gaming.

The people and businesses who involve themselves with Wired Sussex are interested in progressive technologies. This is one of the reasons we go beyond projects such as the 5G testbed, and sponsor some of their well attended, seasonal networking events. Click here to read more about it. Phil Jones, Managing Director at Wired generously gave us some words to use in this blog.

Neither ourselves nor our members’ companies could do the work we do without fast, reliable internet, and cities these days rely on their digital capabilities and infrastructures to function. So the ISPs who supply those services are becoming all the more important. Fastnet have been friends of ours for a long time. We trust them with our internet connectivity in our own innovation hub, the FuseBox. Brighton and Hove businesses should look at using good local ISP suppliers like Fastnet to ensure they are ready for the next phase of digital innovation in business.Thanks to Fastnet for sponsoring our event, and enjoy the pizza!
Phil Jones – Managing Director at Wired Sussex

If you go to the Wired Sussex Members Spring Meetup in April, your pizza will be on us. Phil Jones may say some words, we’ll all have some drinks and welcome in the Summer from Patterns’ bar and front terrace. It’s a lovely event that attracts sociable, switched on people who are in the mood to chat all things digital.

If you are not a member of Wired Sussex, then just go here to join up. They are a great collective of minds and personalities that are projecting Brighton into the future, which – let’s face it, is where we’ll all be tomorrow.

Contact us now to find out how to upgrade to a Gigabit Ethernet connection.

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